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《草船借箭》🔰Borrowing Enemy’s Arrows 出自中国古典名著《三国演义》赤壁之战|Chinese Classical Masterpiece

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The Arrow from the Grass Boat is a story about the battle of Chibi in the classic Chinese classic “The Romance of Three Kingdoms”. The arrow was deliberately proposed by Zhou Yu (limited to 100,000 arrows in ten days). The witty Zhuge Liang saw that it was a detrimental trick at a glance, but calmly said that “it only takes three days.” Later, with the help of Lu Su, Zhuge Liang took advantage of Cao Cao’s suspicious character, adjusted a few straw boats to lure the enemy, and finally “borrowed” more than 100,000 arrows.







Zhou Yu asked Zhuge Liang to produce 100,000 arrows within ten days, but Zhuge Liang said unexpectedly: “Cao Cao’s army is coming today. If you wait ten days, you will miss major events.” He said, “It only takes three. In just a few days, you can complete the reinstatement.” Zhou Yu immediately made a military order with Zhuge Liang as soon as he was overjoyed. In Zhou Yu’s view, it is impossible for Zhuge Liang to make a hundred thousand arrows within three days. Therefore, Zhuge Liang will undoubtedly die.

After Zhuge Liang left, Zhou Yu asked Lu Su to check the movement at Zhuge Liang’s place and inquire about the reality. When Zhuge Liang saw Lu Su, he said, “How can I make a hundred thousand arrows in three days? I hope my son will save me!” The loyal and kind Lu Su replied, “You take the trouble for yourself, how can I save you? Zhuge Liang said: “I just hope you will lend me twenty boats, each with 30 sergeants, all the boats are covered with blue cloth, and more than a thousand pieces of grass are erected on both sides of the boat. All this. I have my own magical use. By the third day, I will guarantee that there will be 100,000 arrows. But there is one, you must not let Zhou Yu know. If he knows, he must be obstructed, and my plan will be difficult to realize.” Lu Although Su agreed to Zhuge Liang’s request, he did not understand Zhuge Liang’s meaning. After seeing Zhou Yu, he didn’t talk about borrowing the boat. He only said that Zhuge Liang didn’t plan to make the bamboo, feathers, glue paint and other objects for making arrows. Zhou Yu was puzzled after hearing this.

After Zhuge Liang borrowed ships and soldiers from Lu Su, he prepared to stop as planned. Nothing happened to Zhuge Liang on the first day! The next day, there was still no movement from Zhuge Liang! It wasn’t until four hours later on the third day that he secretly invited Lu Su to the boat and told Lu Su to go get arrows. Lu Su asked inexplicably: “Where can I get it?” Zhuge Liang replied: “Zi Jing doesn’t need to ask, you will know when you go.” Lu Su was confused and had to accompany Zhuge Liang to see what happened.

In the early morning, the Haohao River was foggy and dark. Zhuge Liang then ordered the twenty boats to be connected with a long cable, and anchored to the Cao Jun camp on the north bank. By five shifts, the fleet was close to Cao Cao’s water village. At this time, the priest Zhuge Liang opened the ship’s head, west, tail and east, and crossed in front of Cao Junzhai. Then, he ordered the soldiers to beat the drums and shout, deliberately creating a momentum of drumming into the soldiers. Lu Su was shocked when he saw this, but Zhuge Liang told him frankly: “I’m sure Cao Cao will not dare to fight resolutely in this dense fog and low night. You and I can safely drink for fun, wait until the fog is thick. When it’s gone, we will return.”

After Cao Cao heard the report, he was really worried that he would be ambushed in the heavy fog and lost in the river, and he refused to go out easily. He hurriedly mobilized more than 6,000 crossbowmen from Hanzhai to the river. Together with the naval archers, a total of more than 10,000 people shot into the river indiscriminately in an attempt to stop the “Sun Liu coalition army” from drumming. For a time, arrows were like migratory locusts, shooting one after another on the handles and curtains of the Jiangxin boat. After some time, Zhuge Liang ordered the head of the fleet to move closer to the water village, and asked to beat the drums and shout more vigorously. When the fog cleared up at sunrise, the grass on the boat was filled with dense arrow sticks. At this time, Zhuge Liang ordered the fleet to return. He also ordered the soldiers to shout in unison: “Thank you, Prime Minister Cao, for giving the arrow!” When Cao Cao learned that, Zhuge Liang’s arrow fleet had left for more than 20 miles due to the smooth flow of the wind.

After the fleet returned to the camp, a total of hundreds of thousands of arrows were obtained, which lasted less than three days. Lu Su witnessed this and called Zhuge Liang a “man of god”. Zhuge Liang said to Lu Su: He not only knows astronomy and geography, but also knows strange things and knows yin and yang. He is more adept at the formation and strength of troops in marching operations, and it is expected that there must be heavy fog to be used 3 days ago. He finally said: “My life is tied to the sky, how can Zhou Gongjin harm me!” When Zhou Yu learned of all this, he sighed.

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