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学中文【包粽子 bāo zòng zi】How to Write Making Rice Dumplings in Chinese 偏旁部首 (包字头, 米字旁)

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“Zong” was originally used as a tribute to ancestors and gods. The specific origin of the rice dumpling is unknown. “The Classic of Mountains and Seas. Nanshan Classic”: “The head of Queshan Mountain, from the Mountain of Swinging to the Mountain of Jiwei, and all ten mountains, 2950 miles away, all have the body of a bird and the head of a dragon. Their ancestral halls are Ritual: Mao, use a piece of jade; rice, rice, white jade as a mat.” At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, millet was soaked in plant ash water. Because the water contained “alkali”, the millet was wrapped in wild rice leaves into a square shape and cooked, which became Guangdong alkaline rice dumplings. In the Jin Dynasty, rice dumplings were officially designated as the Dragon Boat Festival food.



Zongzi, also known as Zongzi, is a kind of “Zhen”. Zhong is a tribute that people use to worship gods and ancestors during festivals. It is an ancient custom to use Zhongzi as a tribute. There are many varieties of zong, and different kinds of zhan are made for different festivals. Zongzhi is a tribute to gods and ancestors during the Dragon Boat Festival. Zong, in ancient times, people in northern my country did not call it “Zong”, but called it “Jiao Millet”. Because “millet” is produced in the north, millet is wrapped in wild rice leaves and made into the shape of an ox horn, so it is called “corner millet”. “Shuowen”: “Millet belongs to the grass family and is sticky.” Note: Today it is called yellow rice in the north. The “Fengshiji” written by Zhou Chu in the Western Jin Dynasty clearly mentioned the word “corn millet”: “In the midsummer Dragon Boat Festival, Fang Bo Xieji; enjoying horn millet, the turtle scales are in good order.” The custom of eating rice dumplings during the Dragon Boat Festival has been popular in China for thousands of years. It has become one of the most influential and widespread folk dietary customs in the Chinese nation, and has spread to North Korea, Japan and Southeast Asian countries.

Making rice dumplings is a traditional custom during the Dragon Boat Festival. First, you need to prepare rice dumpling leaves, which are called rice dumpling leaves when they are used to make rice dumplings. The next step is to prepare the fillings inside the rice dumplings, place the fillings in the rice dumpling leaves, and then wrap them with thread, and the rice dumplings are wrapped. Normal zongzi leaves should be yellow-green and slightly stale. The made rice dumplings have a fragrance of rice dumpling leaves instead of other strange smells; if the water is light yellow after cooking the rice dumplings, it means that the rice dumpling leaves are fine, otherwise, you should not eat the rice dumplings. Zongzi should not be eaten cold, but must be eaten hot. The main ingredient of Zongzi is glutinous rice, which has a high amylopectin content. When the glutinous rice is heated, the amylopectin will gelatinize, which is helpful for being decomposed by digestive enzymes, making it easier to digest. Once cooled, the starch will age and regenerate, and intermolecular coagulation will be strengthened, making it difficult to digest. be digested.

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