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学写汉字【会议】How to Write Chinese 视频会议 vs 面对面会议 Videoconference & Face-to-face Meeting (人字头, 言字旁)

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“会议”,是汉语词汇,拼音是huì yì,意思是指有组织、有领导、有目的的议事活动,它是在限定的时间和地点,按照一定的程序进行的。会议一般包括议论、决定、行动3个要素。因此,必须做到会而有议、议而有决、决而有行,否则就是闲谈或议论,不能成为会议。会议是一种普遍的社会现象,几乎有组织的地方都会有会议,会议的主要功能包括决策、控制、协调和教育等。

“Meeting” is a Chinese word whose pinyin is huì yì. It means an organized, led and purposeful discussion activity. It is conducted at a limited time and place and according to certain procedures. Meetings generally include three elements: discussion, decision-making, and action. Therefore, meetings must be followed by discussions, discussions followed by decisions, and decisions followed by actions. Otherwise, it is just chatting or discussion and cannot become a meeting. Meetings are a common social phenomenon and can be found in almost any organized place. The main functions of meetings include decision-making, control, coordination and education.


Video conferencing refers to a meeting in which people in two or more locations have face-to-face conversations through communication devices and networks. Depending on the number of participating locations, video conferences can be divided into point-to-point conferences and multi-point conferences. Individuals in daily life have no requirements for the security of conversation content, meeting quality, or meeting size. They can use video software such as Tencent QQ to conduct video chats. Business video conferences in government agencies, enterprises and institutions require stable and secure networks, reliable conference quality, formal conference environment and other conditions. They need to use professional video conference equipment and set up a specialized video conference system. Since such a video conferencing system uses a TV for display, it is also called a video conferencing or video conferencing. Using the video conferencing system, participants can hear the sounds of other venues, see the images, movements and expressions of participants in other venues, and can also send electronic presentation content to make participants feel immersed in the scene.

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