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学写汉字【家禽】🐔Write “Poultry” in Chinese – 鸡Chicken/鸭Duck/鹅Goose/火鸡Turkey/鹌鹑Quail

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Poultry , 家禽 , jiā qín 。
Chicken , 鸡 , jī 。
Duck , 鸭 , yā 。
Goose , 鹅 , é 。
Turkey , 火鸡 , huǒ jī 。
Quail , 鹌鹑 , ān chún 。





有家鸡(Callus domesticus)、火鸡(Meleagris gllaopavo)、珍珠鸡(Numida meleagris)、鸽(Columba livia等陆禽及鸭(Anas Platyrhynchus var.domestica)、鹅(Anas cygnoides)等水禽,通常是以卵、肉、羽毛等的生产为目的,但也有为玩赏用而饲养的。


世界上所有的家鸡品种都起源于红色原鸡,该鸡分布于我国南方省区和印度及东南亚地区,它首先在我国和印度等地被驯化,在我国已有5000年以上的历史,之后逐渐扩散到欧、美、非洲,遍及世界各地。火鸡是美洲原产的野鸟,是比较晚期驯养而成为家禽的,其祖先还在美洲中南部过野生生活。鸭的原种是凫(Anas boschus L.)鹅的原种是雁albifroms)。

Poultry refers to artificially raised bird animals, mainly to obtain their meat, eggs and feathers, but also for other purposes. Generally, they belong to the pheasant family and duck family, such as chickens, ducks, geese, quail, etc. There are also other families of birds such as turkeys, pigeons and various songbirds.

For example, among domestic ducks domesticated from mallard ducks, Peking duck is a good breed, with an annual production of 70 to 120 eggs, and the prepared Peking duck is well-known at home and abroad for its delicacy.

In addition to providing human meat and eggs, poultry also have important economic value in their feathers and feces.


There are domestic chickens (Callus domesticus), turkeys (Meleagris gllaopavo), guinea fowls (Numida meleagris), pigeons (Columba livia and other land fowls and ducks (Anas Platyrhynchus var. domestica), geese (Anas cygnoides) and other waterfowl, usually Eggs, meat, feathers, etc. are produced for the purpose, but some are also raised for fun.


All domestic chicken breeds in the world originated from the red jungle fowl, which is distributed in southern provinces of my country and India and Southeast Asia. It was first domesticated in my country and India and has a history of more than 5,000 years in my country. It gradually spread to Europe, America, Africa, and all over the world. The turkey is a wild bird native to the Americas. It was domesticated in a relatively late period and became a poultry. Its ancestors also lived in the wild in central and southern America. The original species of duck is mallard (Anas boschus L.), the original species of goose is goose albifroms).

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