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Learn Chinese【赛龙舟】端午节习俗 How to Write Dragon Boat Race – Chinese Festival 偏旁部首 (贝字底)

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Dragon boat racing is one of the customs of the Chinese Dragon Boat Festival. It is also one of the most important folk activities of the Dragon Boat Festival. It is common in southern China. Dragon boat racing is also customary in cities near rivers and lakes in the north. Most of them are dry dragon boat dances. Dragon boat form.

There are many theories about the origin of dragon boat racing. There are sacrificial activities such as worshiping Cao E, worshiping Qu Yuan, worshiping the water god or the dragon god, etc. Its origin can be traced back to the Warring States Period. Dragon boat racing has been introduced to neighboring countries such as Japan, Vietnam and the United Kingdom, and became an official event of the 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games.

Source legend

According to the “Biography of Qu Yuan Jia Sheng” in “Historical Records”, Qu Yuan was a minister of King Huai of Chu during the Warring States Period. His advocacy of promoting talents, enriching the country and strengthening the army, and uniting Qi to resist Qin was strongly opposed by the nobles Zilan and others. Qu Yuan was greedy and resigned, was driven out of the capital, and was exiled to the Yuan and Xiang River basins. While in exile, he wrote immortal poems such as “Li Sao”, “Heavenly Questions” and “Nine Songs”, which were concerned about the country and the people. In 278 BC, the Qin army captured Kyoto, the state of Chu. Qu Yuan could not bear to abandon his homeland. On May 5th, after writing his final work “Huaisha”, he bouldered into the Miluo River and died.

Legend has it that after Qu Yuan died, the people of Chu State were extremely sad and flocked to the Miluo River to pay their respects to Qu Yuan. The fishermen rowed their boats and fished for his true body back and forth on the river. They scrambled to catch up and disappeared when they reached Dongting Lake. After that, dragon boat racing was held every May 5th to commemorate the event. He rowed dragon boats to disperse the fish in the river to prevent them from eating Qu Yuan’s body.

In Miluo City, Hunan, before the ferry race, one must go to the Quzi Temple to pay homage to the gods, place the dragon head in the temple to worship the gods, put a red cloth on the dragon head, and then put the dragon head on the boat for the boat race, not only to worship the dragon god, but also to commemorate Qu Yuan. In Zigui, Qu Yuan’s hometown in Hubei, there are also rituals to worship Qu Yuan. The custom of worshiping Qu Yuan is recorded in “Book of Sui Dynasty: Geography”: “He galloped together quickly, sang and sang wildly, shaking the water and land, and the spectators were like clouds.” Tang Dynasty Liu Yuxi’s “Jingdu Song” notes: “The race begins In Wuling, and even today, when I hold up the ji and join each other, my voice is salty and I call out: ‘Where are you?’ This is the meaning of marsh Qu.”

Cultural connotation

“Dragon boat racing” is a custom that has existed since the Warring States Period. During the Warring States Period, people carved dragon-shaped canoes to the sound of drums and played boat racing games to entertain gods and people. At this time, dragon boat racing was a semi-religious and semi-entertaining program in rituals. In the two lakes area, worshiping Qu Yuan and dragon boat racing are closely related. Maybe after the deaths of Qu Yuan, Cao E, Wu Zixu, etc., the local people also used soul boats to send their souls to be buried, so this custom existed. But in addition to commemorating Qu Yuan, people in various places also attach different meanings to the dragon boat race.

Before the dragon boat race, the dragon must be invited and sacrificed to the gods. For example, the Guangdong dragon boat takes off from the water before the Dragon Boat Festival, worships the Queen of the South China Sea in the Nanhai Temple, installs the dragon head and tail, and then prepares for the race. He also bought a pair of paper roosters and placed them on the dragon boat, thinking that they would protect the boat’s safety. People from Fujian and Taiwan go to Mazu Temple to worship. Some people offer sacrifices to the dragon’s head directly by the river, killing chickens and dripping blood on the dragon’s head, such as in Sichuan, Guizhou and other areas.

Various sacrificial and commemorative ceremonies will be held before the dragon boat race, usually lighting incense and candles, burning paper money, and offering chickens, rice, meat, fruits, rice dumplings, etc. Nowadays, these bright and superstitious rituals are rare, but in the past, people worshiped the dragon temple in a very solemn atmosphere, praying for a good agricultural harvest, good weather, getting rid of evil spirits, warding off disasters, everything goes well, and for safe boating. In people’s words, “for good luck” expresses people’s inner good wishes.

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