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教中文【亲(戚)(朋)友】How to Write Chinese Characters 偏旁部首 (立字头,又字底) Visit Relatives & Friends in China 走亲访友

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亲戚朋友,relatives and friends,拼音读qīn qi péng you,意思是亲人、朋友及姻亲关系等人。出自《红楼梦》。




Starting from the second day of the first lunar month, people in Henan have to visit relatives and friends. If there are newlyweds, it is a common courtesy to go to the parents’ house on the second day of the Lunar New Year; if there are no new relatives, it is to go to the uncle’s house on the second day of the Lunar New Year, and to return to the parents’ house on the third and fourth days of the Lunar New Year. There is a proverb that goes, “My nephew is a guest on the fourth day of the second lunar month.” It would be rude not to visit relatives to celebrate the New Year; when the new son-in-law and the bride go to celebrate the New Year, relatives pay special attention to gifts, usually jujube cakes, or jujube flowers, weighing about one kilogram to ten kilograms, and are often wrapped in large sheets. When receiving guests visiting relatives for the New Year, they are all treated with the food prepared for the New Year, and for new relatives, they are also invited to accompany the guests. The grandson who is visiting relatives in Anyang for New Year’s greetings wants to grab the “Zao Mountain” at his grandma’s house to wish for everything to go well.

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