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红包和压岁钱有什么区别? Red Bag Holiday Money Gifts in China 中国节日礼品 – 词组辨析

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What is the difference between lucky money and red envelopes?

Red envelope: a red paper bag containing money, used for gifts or rewards, etc. In modern times, gifts given to others are called red envelopes.

New Year’s money: Money given by elders to children during the lunar new year.

Judging from the two definitions, the time is different. Red envelopes can be given at any time, while lucky money is fixed at the New Year time throughout the year. From a modern perspective, red envelopes have both positive and negative emotional connotations, but strictly speaking they have a neutral emotional connotation.

In the traditional sense, red envelopes are also called lucky money. They are money wrapped in red paper by elders to children during the Lunar New Year. It is said that during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, most of the New Year’s money was given to children strung with red strings. After the Republic of China, it evolved into wrapping with red paper. It generally refers to a red paper bag containing money, which is used as a gift during festive occasions, and also refers to money used to bribe others. In the Cantonese-speaking area of China, red envelopes are called 利市 (commonly known as 利是、利事、励事), and they are a gift made by placing money in a red envelope.

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