学中文【时段】🕙Time Periods of The Day in Chinese 学习用汉语写一天中的时间段

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Time Periods of The Day, 时段, shí duàn。
例字:Before Dawn, 凌晨, líng chén。Dawn, 黎明,lí míng。Early Morning, 早上, zǎo shang。Morning, 上午, shàng wǔ。Noon, 中午, zhōng wǔ。Afternoon, 下午, xià wǔ。Dusk, 黄昏,huáng hūn。Evening,晚上, wǎn shàng。Midnight, 午夜,wǔ yè。

时辰是古代计时单位。SHI CHEN is the ancient unit of time. It’s one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day.

1.中国传统计时单位。把一昼夜平分为十二段,每段叫做一个时辰,合现在的两小时。十二个时辰分别以地支为名称,从半夜起算,半夜十一点到一点是子时,中午十一点到一点是午时。 宋 苏轼 《申三省起请开湖六条状》:“今来所创置钤辖司前一闸,虽每遇潮上,闭得一两时辰……而公私舟舡欲出入闸者,自须先期出入,必不肯端坐以待闭闸。” 清 孔尚任 《桃花扇·媚座》:“昼短夜长,差了三个时辰了。” 曹禺 《王昭君》第二幕:“半个时辰前,他陪伴天子酣宴。”

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学中文【阿姨】6 Ways to Call “Aunt” in Chinese 汉语中阿姨的六种叫法和写法

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6 Ways to Call Aunt in Chinese, 阿姨的六种叫法, ā yí de liù zhǒng jiào fǎ。
Aunt, Monter’s sister, 阿姨, ā yí。
Wife of mother’s brother, 舅妈, jiù mā。
Father’s elder sister, 姑妈, gū mā。
Father’s younger sister, 姑姑, gū gu。
Wife of father’s younger brother, 婶婶, shěn shen。
Wife of father’s elder brother, 伯母, bó mǔ。

Auntie, mother’s sister, is also used to refer to unrelated women who are of the same age as their mother and are of the same age.

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学中文【古诗】Ancient Poems in Chinese《登鹳雀楼》王之涣|Traditional Chinese Culture

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Chinese Ancient Poems 中 文 古 诗 zhōng wén gǔ shī



⑴ 鹳雀楼:中国古代的一种高层建筑物,因时有鹳鹊栖息其上而得名。
⑵ 白日:太阳。依:依傍。尽:消失。 这句话是说太阳依傍山峦沉落。
⑶ 欲:想要。穷:尽,使达到极点。千里目:眼界宽阔。
⑷ 更:再。

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Asking for Directions in Chinese 如何用中文问路|Be Fluent in Mandarin 生活实用例句

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wèn lù
Asking for Directions

qǐng wèn , yóu jú zài nǎ li ?
Excuse me, where is the post office?

wǒ men zěn me qù gōng yuán ?
How do we get to the park?

xǐ shǒu jiān zài shén me dì fang ?
Where is the restroom?

zhè fù jìn yǒu fàn guǎn ma ?
Are there any restaurants near here?

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Taking a taxi in Chinese 如何用中文打车|Putonghua Tutorials for Foreigners 学说普通话

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dǎ chē
Taking a taxi.

nǐ yào qù nǎ lǐ ?
Where are you going?

wǒ yào qù chāo shì .
I’m going to the supermarket.

qǐng kāi yí xià hòu bèi xiāng .
Please open the trunk.

nǐ zhī dào zěn me qù shēn zhèn dà xué ma ?
你知道怎么去深圳大学吗 ?
Do you know how to get to the Shenzhen University?

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