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How to Say Wheaten Food in Chinese 学说汉语【面食】noodles面条/dumplings饺子/wonton馄饨

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面条 [miàn tiáo] noodles
你喜欢吃米饭还是面条?Would you prefer rice or noodles?

饺子 [jiǎo zi] dumplings
饺子是中国的传统食物。Dumpling is a traditional Chinese food.

馄饨 [hún tun] Wonton
我们每人要一碗馄饨。We’d like a bowl of wonton for each.

馒头 [mán tou] steamed bun
你在哪里买到这些好吃的馒头?Where do you buy these delicious steamed buns?

包子 [bāo zi] steamed stuffed bun
包子闻起来香,不知道味道怎么样。The buns smell good, but I wonder how they taste.

花卷 [huā juǎn] steamed twisted roll ; steamed bread roll
他一次可以吃下十个左右花卷。He can eat ten bread rolls or so at one time.

大饼 [dà bǐng] Chinese flatbread
芝麻大饼真好吃!The Chinese sesame flatbread is so delicious!

油条 [yóu tiáo] deep-fried dough stick
有时我们吃油条。Sometimes I eat Youtiao.

面包 [miàn bāo] bread
抱歉,我们的面包卖完了。I’m sorry, we’ve sold out of bread.

披萨饼 [pī sà bǐng] pizza
我饿了,我要披萨饼。I’m hungry, I want pizza.

面条是一种非常古老的食物,它起源于中国,有着源远流长的历史。最早的记载出现于东汉年间,至今超过一千九百年。面条最初只称为“饼”,“水溲饼、煮饼”便是中国面条先河—— “饼,并也,溲面使合并也”(引:刘熙《释名》),其意指用水将面粉和在一起所做出的食品均称之为“饼”;以水煮的面条或面块亦全作“饼”称。在不同朝代均有对面条之记载。由初期的东汉、魏晋南北朝、到后期唐宋元明清都有史料纪录。但起初对面条之名称却不统一,除普遍水溲面、煮饼、汤饼外,亦有称水引饼、不托、馎饦等。 “面条”一词直到宋朝才正式通用;“面条”为长条形,花样却多不胜数,什么冷淘、温淘、素面、煎面……皆属“面条”;制面方法之多亦令人叹为观止,可擀、可削、可拨、可抿、可擦、可压、可搓、可漏、可拉……中华面条既属经济饱肚的主食,还可作登大雅之堂的上佳美食。据史录,很多达官贵人均喜吃面,并会以面食招待贵宾。



Noodles are a very ancient food. It originated in China and has a long history. The earliest record appeared in the Eastern Han Dynasty, and it is more than 1,900 years. Noodles were originally called “bing”, and “shui bing bing, boiled bing” was the first Chinese noodles-“bing, and ye, ming ming ye” (quoted: Liu Xi’s “Shi Ming”), which means Foods made by mixing flour with water are called “cakes”; noodles or noodles boiled in water are also called “cakes”. There are records of noodles in different dynasties. From the early Eastern Han Dynasty, Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, to the late Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, there are historical records. However, the names of the noodles were not uniform at first. In addition to the common simmered noodles, cooked cakes, and soup cakes, they were also called shuiyin bing, butuo, and noodles. The term “noodles” was not officially used until the Song Dynasty; “noodles” are long strips, but there are so many different kinds of noodles, such as cold wash, warm wash, plain noodles, fried noodles… all belong to “noodles”; there are many ways to make noodles. It is breathtaking, it can be rolled, peeled, dialed, squeezed, wiped, pressed, rubbed, leaked, and pulled… Chinese noodles are not only the staple food of economic satiety, but also the most elegant place. Good food. According to historical records, many dignitaries like to eat noodles and entertain VIPs with noodles.

During the heyday of China-the Tang Dynasty, it was mentioned that the palace required to make “soup cakes” in winter; in summer, “cold tao” (cold noodles is now cold noodles/cold noodles). In the Yuan Dynasty, there appeared “noodles” that could be preserved for a long time; in the Ming Dynasty, there appeared the “stretched noodles” with superb skills. The emergence of these noodle making skills have made a significant contribution to the development of noodles. The most significant thing in the Qing Dynasty was the emergence of “five-spice noodles” and “eight treasures noodles”, and the predecessor of instant noodles appeared during the Qianlong period: preservation-resistant fried “Yifu noodles”. Each region has its own unique flavor, such as China’s five famous noodles: Sichuan Dandan noodles, Henan braised noodles, Beijing fried sauce noodles, Shanxi cut noodles and Hubei hot dry noodles. Coupled with cultural exchanges and developments between China and foreign countries, Chinese noodles and pasta culture have become more brilliant all over the world.

Chinese noodles are well-known at home and abroad and have a profound influence on the world’s noodle culture. Nowadays, Japanese ramen noodles were introduced from China to Yokohama in 1912.

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