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【日字旁】Chinese Radical of Sun 学写中文偏旁部首笔画|与太阳或光线有关的字 Chinese Characters

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日字旁, rì zì páng, 表示与太阳或光线有关的字。日部,为汉字索引中的部首之一,康熙字典214个部首中的第七十二个(四划的则为第十二个)。

Next to the word “日”, rì zì páng, indicates a word related to the sun or light. The Japanese part is one of the radicals in the Chinese character index, and the 72nd of the 214 radicals in the Kangxi Dictionary (the four-stroke is the 12th).


For Chinese, the Japanese part belongs to the four-stroke radicals. The Japanese part is usually from top, bottom, left, or right. If there are no other radicals available, the radicals are classified as Japanese. It should be noted that in Traditional Chinese, the Japanese part is different from the Japanese part, and the font of the Japanese part is shorter than that of the Japanese part; but in simplified Chinese, both radicals belong to the Japanese part.








The origin and meaning of radical radicals

Origin: The ancients called the left side of the left and right structured combined characters “pian” and the right side as “bian”. Nowadays, the parts of the combined characters are collectively called radicals.

Among them, the ancient dictionaries represented by “Shuowen Jiezi”, the ancient dictionaries adopted the method of “connecting according to the form” for the classification of Chinese characters, grouping the characters with common form as one part, and using the common form as the heading. Placed at the head of this part of the word, because it is at the head of a section, it is called “radical”.

Meaning: Radical radicals are the word-building components of ligature characters.

Extended information

“Radical radicals” are often mentioned together, so some teachers think that “radicals” and “radicals” are the same thing. This is a misunderstanding. Radicals and radicals, although there are some connections, are two different concepts.

The vast majority of Chinese characters are pictophonetic characters, which are composed of phonological and phonological characters. Therefore, “radical” mainly includes two types of phonological and phonological characters. For example, the word “language” is composed of two radicals of “yan” and “wu”; the word “pen” is composed of two radicals of “fen” and “dish bottom”; the word “wen” is composed of “door character frame” and ” “Mouth” is composed of two radicals.

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