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学中文【劳动合同 láo dòng hé tong】Employment Agreement 学写汉字 偏旁部首 (力字旁, 口字旁)

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Labor contract, also known as labor contract and labor agreement. The labor contract is the basic legal form for adjusting labor relations and the basic premise for establishing the labor relationship between workers and employers. It occupies a core position in labor law. A labor contract is a labor service contract entered into between an employer and a worker. It is a type of commercial contract. The content usually includes wages, working hours, vacations, rest times, benefits, work content, etc.





Based on the contract period, labor contracts can be divided into three categories: fixed-term labor contracts, non-fixed-term labor contracts, and labor contracts that are limited to the completion of certain work tasks. The term of a labor contract refers to the effective time of the labor contract. It is the starting and ending time of the labor contract signed by both parties. It is also the time when the labor relationship becomes legally binding.

1. Fixed-term labor contract (also called fixed-term labor contract)
A fixed-term labor contract refers to a labor contract in which the employer and the employee agree on the termination time of the contract. The employer and the employee may enter into a fixed-term labor contract upon consensus. When a fixed-term labor contract is terminated, whether to renew or not depends largely on the employer. Signing a fixed-term labor contract can provide employers with flexibility in employment and reduce labor costs, but workers have a poor sense of career stability.

2. Unfixed-term labor contract (also known as indefinite labor contract)
An unfixed-term labor contract refers to a labor contract in which the employer and the employee agree that there is no definite end time. The employer and the employee may enter into an open-term labor contract upon consensus.

3. A labor contract with a term based on the completion of certain work tasks
A labor contract whose term is based on the completion of certain work tasks refers to a labor contract in which the employer and the employee agree that the completion of a certain job is the term of the contract. The employer and the employee may reach a consensus and enter into a labor contract with a deadline of completing certain work tasks. This type of contract is actually a fixed-term labor contract and is generally used in the following situations:
1. A labor contract that is limited to the completion of a single work task;
2. A labor contract for completing contract tasks in the form of project contracting;
3. Labor contracts for temporary employment due to seasonal reasons;
4. Other labor contracts agreed by both parties to complete certain work tasks.

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