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中文简称的四种形式 4 Forms of Chinese Abbreviations – 教你快速掌握汉语缩写方法

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汉语缩合词 Shortened Forms in Chinese

Condensed words are words that are reduced to several morphemes from the universal phrase (phrase) that expresses things, and then combined in the original order. Acronyms are also called abbreviations, so some people call this word formation method abbreviated word formation. Acronyms are commonly used in news reports.

1. 并列几个全称名词中的修饰成分再加上中心成分 1. Parallel the modifiers in several full nouns plus the central component
例词: Example words:
工农业——工业、农业 gōng nóng yè——gōng yè, nóng yè。 Industry and Agriculture——Industry, Agriculture
中老年——中年、老年 zhōng lǎo nián——zhōng nián, lǎo nián。 Middle-aged and Ederly——Middle-aged, Elderly

2. 提取合成短语中各组成部分的第一个字 2. Extract the first word of each component in the compound phrase
例词: Example words:
北大——北京大学 běi dà——běi jīng dà xué。 Peking University
高中——高级中学 gāo zhōng——gāo jí zhōng xué。 High School
春晚——春节联欢晚会 chūn wǎn——chūn jié lián huān wǎn huì。 Spring Festival Gala

3. 用数字概括几个方面 3. Use numbers to summarize several aspects
例词: Example words:
四季——春、夏、秋、冬 sì jì——chūn, xià, qiū, dōng。 Four Seasons——Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter
十二生肖——鼠、牛、虎、兔、龙、蛇、马、羊、猴、鸡、狗、猪。 shí èr shēng xiào——shǔ, niú, hǔ, tù, lóng, shé, mǎ, yáng, hóu, jī, gǒu, zhū。 Chinese Zodiac——Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig.

4. 提取全称的关键词 4. Extract the keyword from the full name
例词: Example words:
比赛——乒乓球比赛 bǐ sài——pīng pāng qiú bǐ sài。 Competition——Table Tennis Competition
工会——上海市总工会 gōng huì——shàng hǎi shì zǒng gōng huì。 Union——Shanghai Federation of Trade Unions
* 这种简称形式只能用在一定的语言环境中。 * This abbreviation can only be used in certain language environments.

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