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【硬耳旁】Chinese Radical of Hard Ear 学写中文偏旁部首笔画|Learn to Write Chinese Characters 学写字

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Radical of Hard Ear, 硬耳旁, yìng ěr páng。
Related to credit and certificates, 与信用、证件有关yǔ xìn yòng, zhèng jiàn yǒu guān。

例词:Right now, 即jí。Immediately, 立即lì jí。Unload, 卸, xiè。Shirk responsibility, 推卸责任, tuī xiè zé rèn。But, 却, què。Forget, 忘却, wàng què。Seal, 印, yìn。Seal, 印章, yìn zhāng。





The “hard ears” mentioned here does not mean that people or other animals have hard ears, or whether someone has a strong opinion and is easily influenced by others’ words, but rather the “ears” of Chinese characters. There are two kinds of “soft ears” in the article “Left Ear and Right Ear” a few days ago. The left ear belongs to the Fubu, and both are related to the high terrain. The ears belong to the town, and they are all related to the town. This article is hard-earned.

Hard ears are “Jie”, and many common words are hard ears, such as ji, festival, seal, ya, chee, shu and so on. The hard ears in the middle of these words are basically “meaning side”, that is, elements related to the actual meaning of the word.

What does “Jie” mean? It is the “section”, which is now reduced to a section.

From the Oracle (the first two in the picture above), it looks like a kneeling or sitting person (the ancients used to bend their knees with their hips pressed against their heels). Some people think that this is the joint of the joint, and some people think that this is the “knee” of the knee. , In the end, the popular writing “knee” turned to be normal, but “厀” was eliminated). It was later written as a festival, a bamboo festival (later shortened to a festival based on its cursive writing), which extended the meaning of festival and restraint. In the system of Xu Shen’s “Shuowen Jiezi” in the Eastern Han dynasty, the hard-earned Jie is the lower part of the right ear (the lower part of the eup is written as Ba is the result of Kaihua). “Shu Wen Jie Zi” interprets it as “Credit Card”, that is, “Fu Jie”, like the “tiger charm” stolen by Mrs. Zhao Zhongru Ji by stealing the charms from King Xinling, and the “tiger charm” that Su Wu’s envoy to the Xiongnu always kept A bamboo stick, etc.

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