Learn Chinese 中文怎么表达“谦让” How to “modestly giving away” in Chinese

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zhōng wén zěn me biǎo dá “qiān ràng”
How to “modestly giving away” in Chinese

yī , nián qīng rén qiān ràng zhǎng zhě
1. The young are humble to the elders

qián bèi , nín xiān qǐng !
Senior, please first!

èr , nán shì qiān ràng nǚ shì
2. Men are humble to women

nǚ shì yōu xiān !
Lady first!

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学说中文 Four Ways to Say “Jealousy” in Chinese “嫉妒”在汉语里的四种说法

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yòng zhōng wén shuō ” jí dù ” de sì zhǒng fāng fǎ
Four ways to say “jealousy” in Chinese

fāng fǎ yī : zhí jiē shuō ” jí dù ”
Method 1: Say “jealousy” directly

tā piào liang de ràng rén jí dù .
She is enviably beautiful.

shuō shí huà, wǒ zhēn de jí dù tā de cái huá .
To be honest, I am really jealous of his talent.

fāng fǎ èr :… zěn me (zhè / nà) me … !
方法二:… 怎么(这/那)么 … !
Method 2:… how come… !

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Top 30 Everyday Chinese Phrases 汉语日常用语三十句 – Pinyin & English Subtitles

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Chinese, also known as Chinese, Tang dialect, and Mandarin, refers to the entire Chinese family or a language in its language family. The Chinese is a family of analytical languages, belonging to the Sino-Tibetan language family. If Chinese is regarded as a single language, it is the most spoken language in the world. At present, one-fifth of the world’s population is the mother tongue. It has many branches, among which Mandarin is the most popular.

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How to Say Furniture in Chinese 学说汉语【家具】- zhuō zi 桌子/yǐ zi 椅子|Speak Mandarin Fluently

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桌子 [zhuō zi] table
我们在厨房里的桌子上吃饭。We ate at the kitchen table.

椅子 [yǐ zi] chair
她从椅子上跳了下来。She jumped down from the chair.

沙发 [shā fā] sofa
他在沙发上躺下睡着了。He stretched himself out on the sofa and fell asleep.

地毯 [dì tǎn] carpet
我们把地毯卷了起来。We rolled up the carpet.

窗帘 [chuāng lián] curtain
你比较喜欢什么样的窗帘?Which kind of curtain do you prefer?

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学中文【品牌名称】Brand Names in Chinese|如何用汉语读写著名英语品牌 Everyday Chinese

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Coca Cola , 可口可乐 , kě kǒu kě lè 。
Pepsi , 百事可乐 , bǎi shì kě lè 。
Sprite , 雪碧 , xuě bì 。
Walmart , 沃尔玛 , wò ěr mǎ 。
Adidas , 阿迪达斯 , ā dí dá sī 。
Nike , 耐克 , nài kè 。
BMW , 宝马 , bǎo mǎ 。
Tesla , 特斯拉 , tè sī lā 。
IKEA , 宜家 , yí jiā 。
Johnson & Johnson , 强生 , qiáng shēng 。
Disney , 迪斯尼 , dí sī ní 。

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