学说中文 Four Ways to Say “Jealousy” in Chinese “嫉妒”在汉语里的四种说法

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yòng zhōng wén shuō ” jí dù ” de sì zhǒng fāng fǎ
Four ways to say “jealousy” in Chinese

fāng fǎ yī : zhí jiē shuō ” jí dù ”
Method 1: Say “jealousy” directly

tā piào liang de ràng rén jí dù .
She is enviably beautiful.

shuō shí huà, wǒ zhēn de jí dù tā de cái huá .
To be honest, I am really jealous of his talent.

fāng fǎ èr :… zěn me (zhè / nà) me … !
方法二:… 怎么(这/那)么 … !
Method 2:… how come… !

tā jiā lǐ zěn me zhè me yǒu qián !
How come his family is that rich!

jiě jie de fǎ yǔ shuō de zěn me nà me liú lì !
How can my sister speak French so fluently!

fāng fǎ sān : zhēn xiǎng bú dào …
方法三:真想不到 …
Method 3: … can’t beleive …

zhēn xiǎng bú dào, tā de shù xué chéng jì bǐ wǒ hái yào hǎo !
I can’t believe his math scores are better than mine!

zhēn xiǎng bú dào wǒ pǎo bù bǐ sài jìng rán huì shū gěi tā !
I can’t believe that I would lose to him in the running competition!

fāng fǎ sì :… bú jiù shì …
方法四 :… 不就是 …
Method 4: … just because …

yǒu shén me liǎo bù qǐ de?! tā bú jiù shì jiā lǐ yǒu jǐ gè qián ma !
有什么了不起的?! 他不就是家里有几个钱吗!
Not amazing at all! It’s just because his family is rich.

tā néng zhǎo dào hǎo gōng zuò, bú jiù shì yīn wèi jiā lǐ yǒu guān xi ma !
He can find a good job just because of the family relationship!

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