【学字头】Chinese Radical of Study 学写中文偏旁部首笔画|Chinese Characters 与通过感官去学习有关

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Learning the prefix is ​​mainly related to learning through the senses. Common words at the beginning of learning: learn, feel. In fact, there is no learning head. The learning head is traditional, which is used only after the traditional characters have become simplified characters.

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【立刀旁】Chinese Radical of Knife 学写中文偏旁部首笔画|Learn to Write Chinese Characters 学写字

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Chinese Radical of Knife looks like a knife, and it is generally related to a knife or a cut. Chinese character example:Liu, Lee, Sword, Jing, Gang, Judgment, Scratch, Puncture, Carve, Creation, Making, Arriving, Forward.

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【衣字旁】Chinese Radical of Clothing 学写中文偏旁部首笔画|与衣物有关 Write Chinese Characters

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衤: yi, a pictogram covering the left and right sides of an ancient coat, generally related to clothing. The Chinese characters beside the word “clothing” are generally related to “clothing” and sometimes also to cloth.

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【双人旁】Chinese Radical of Double People 学写中文偏旁部首笔画|与行走、行为和道路有关

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The basic interpretation beside the double: Cong “彳” is mostly related to walking, behavior and road.

拼音 chì ,(象形。小篆字字形象“行”,象纵横相交的十字路。“彳”是汉字部首之一,习惯上称为双人旁。从“彳”的字多与行走、行为和道路有关。本义:慢步行走)同本义。

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