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【学拼音】Chinese Phonetic Alphabet 学汉语拼音字母表 (pinyin) – 听/说/读/写

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Chinese Phonetic Alphabet, 汉语拼音字母表, hàn yǔ pīn yīn zì mǔ biǎo。

汉语拼音(Hànyǔ Pīnyīn),简称拼音,是一种以拉丁字母作普通话(现代标准汉语)标音的方案,为中文罗马拼音的国际标准规范。

Hànyǔ Pīnyīn, or Pinyin for short, is a plan for transcribing Mandarin (modern standard Chinese) with Latin letters, and is the international standard specification for Chinese Roman pinyin.


Chinese Pinyin is also a standardized way of translating Chinese characters into Latin letters. Chinese Pinyin is also an internationally recognized standard for Latin transcription of Mandarin Chinese.

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学中文【四声调】Four Tones in Chinese Pinyin 汉语拼音四种声调对应的汉字 – bā, bá, bǎ, bà

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sì shēng diào xué hàn yǔ, 四声调学汉语, Learn Chinese with Four Tones。
bā, 八, eight。
bá, 拔, pull。
bǎ, 把, put。
bà, 爸, dad。


Tones play a very important role not only in modern Chinese, but also in ancient Chinese. There are many different kinds of tones in ancient Chinese. The so-called “four tones” in traditional Chinese phonology are divided into four types of tones: “ping”, “shang”, “go”, and “ent”. This situation has existed at least before the fifth century.

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【声调规则】Chinese Pinyin Tone Marks (4 Rules) 汉语拼音声调符号如何标注 – 中文发音教学

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Where to place Chinese pinyin tone marks (4 Rules) , 汉语拼音声调符号应该标在哪里?掌握这四个规则就行了!
PINYIN TONE MARKS , 第一声/阴平(ˉ)、第二声/阳平(ˊ)、第三声/上shǎng声(ˇ)、第四声/去声(ˋ)、轻声(不标调)

Rule 1: ɑ, o, e, i, u, ü in this order of priority, mark the tone symbol on the vowel with the highest priority. , 规则一:ɑ、o、e、i、u、ü 按这个优先顺序,把声调符号标在最优先的那一个元音上。
Example 1.1:moon , 月亮 , yuè liàng
Example 1.2:travel , 旅游 , lǚ yóu

Rule 2: If i and u are connected together, mark whoever is behind. , 规则二:i、u若是连在一起,谁在后面就标谁。
Example 2.1:meeting , 开会 , kāi huì
Example 2.2:river , 河流 , hé liú

Rule 3: When the tone is marked on “i”, the dot on “i” should be removed. , 规则三:声调标在“i”上时,“i”上的点要去掉。
Example 3.1:history , 历史 , lì shǐ
Example 3.2:perfect , 完美 , wán měi

Rule 4: Light tone does not need the tone mark. , 规则四:轻音不标声调。
Example 4.1:table , 桌子 , zhuō zi
Example 4.2:mom , 妈妈 , mā ma

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【拼音规则】Rules of Chinese Pinyin 小ü见到 j q x y 脱掉帽子还读ü – Mandarin Pronunciation

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例词:jū mín , 居民 , Residents。qū yù , 区域 , Area。xū yào , 需要 , Need。yǔ shuǐ , 雨水 , Rainwater。

汉语拼音(Hànyǔ Pīnyīn),简称拼音,是一种以拉丁字母作普通话(现代标准汉语)标音的方案,为中文罗马拼音的国际标准规范。

Hanyu Pinyin (simplified Chinese: 汉语拼音; traditional Chinese: 漢語拼音; pinyin: Hànyǔ Pīnyīn), often abbreviated to pinyin, is the official romanization system for Standard Chinese in mainland China and to some extent in Taiwan. It is often used to teach Standard Mandarin Chinese, which is normally written using Chinese characters. The system includes four diacritics denoting tones. Pinyin without tone marks is used to spell Chinese names and words in languages written with the Latin alphabet and also in certain computer input methods to enter Chinese characters.


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