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【声调规则】Chinese Pinyin Tone Marks (4 Rules) 汉语拼音声调符号如何标注 – 中文发音教学

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Where to place Chinese pinyin tone marks (4 Rules) , 汉语拼音声调符号应该标在哪里?掌握这四个规则就行了!
PINYIN TONE MARKS , 第一声/阴平(ˉ)、第二声/阳平(ˊ)、第三声/上shǎng声(ˇ)、第四声/去声(ˋ)、轻声(不标调)

Rule 1: ɑ, o, e, i, u, ü in this order of priority, mark the tone symbol on the vowel with the highest priority. , 规则一:ɑ、o、e、i、u、ü 按这个优先顺序,把声调符号标在最优先的那一个元音上。
Example 1.1:moon , 月亮 , yuè liàng
Example 1.2:travel , 旅游 , lǚ yóu

Rule 2: If i and u are connected together, mark whoever is behind. , 规则二:i、u若是连在一起,谁在后面就标谁。
Example 2.1:meeting , 开会 , kāi huì
Example 2.2:river , 河流 , hé liú

Rule 3: When the tone is marked on “i”, the dot on “i” should be removed. , 规则三:声调标在“i”上时,“i”上的点要去掉。
Example 3.1:history , 历史 , lì shǐ
Example 3.2:perfect , 完美 , wán měi

Rule 4: Light tone does not need the tone mark. , 规则四:轻音不标声调。
Example 4.1:table , 桌子 , zhuō zi
Example 4.2:mom , 妈妈 , mā ma






The four tones of Chinese poetry and dialectology (simplified Chinese: 四声; traditional Chinese: 四聲; pinyin: sìshēng) are four traditional tone classes of Chinese words. They play an important role in Chinese poetry and in comparative studies of tonal development in the modern varieties of Chinese, both in traditional Chinese and in Western linguistics. They correspond to the phonology of Middle Chinese, and are named even or level (平 píng), rising (上 shǎng), departing (or going; 去 qù), and entering or checked (入 rù). (The last three are collectively referred to as oblique 仄 (zè), an important concept in poetic tone patterns.) Due to historic splits and mergers, none of the modern varieties of Chinese have the exact four tones of Middle Chinese, but they are noted in rhyming dictionaries.

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