Simple Oral Chinese Course 简单中文口语教程|Easy Mandarin Lessons w/ English & Pinyin

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qǐng 【 chī 】 diǎn ér shuǐ guǒ ba.
Please [eat] some fruit.

wǒ men zuò 【 chū zū chē 】 qù bó wù guǎn .
We take [taxi] to the museum.

tā zài 【 dǎ diàn huà 】.
He is [calling].

zhè gè píng guǒ hěn 【 dà 】 .
This apple is very [big].

zhè shì wǒ 【 de 】 shū .
This is my book.

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Learn Chinese from Zero 零基础学说中文|10 Must-know Chinese Spoken Words for Beginners

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妈妈,我【爱】你。 mā ma , wǒ 【 ài 】 nǐ . I [love] you mom.

我【爱】吃米饭。 wǒ 【 ài 】 chī mǐ fàn . I [love] to eat rice.

他儿子今年【八】岁了。 tā ér zi jīn nián 【 bā 】 suì le . His son is [eight] years old this year.

我【爸爸】是医生。 wǒ 【 bà ba 】 shì yī shēng . My [father] is a doctor.

【杯子】里有茶。 【 bēi zi 】 lǐ yǒu chá . There is tea in the [cup].

我不住在【北京】。 wǒ zhù zài 【 běi jīng 】 . I don’t live in [Beijing].

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How to Say Furniture in Chinese 学说汉语【家具】- zhuō zi 桌子/yǐ zi 椅子|Speak Mandarin Fluently

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桌子 [zhuō zi] table
我们在厨房里的桌子上吃饭。We ate at the kitchen table.

椅子 [yǐ zi] chair
她从椅子上跳了下来。She jumped down from the chair.

沙发 [shā fā] sofa
他在沙发上躺下睡着了。He stretched himself out on the sofa and fell asleep.

地毯 [dì tǎn] carpet
我们把地毯卷了起来。We rolled up the carpet.

窗帘 [chuāng lián] curtain
你比较喜欢什么样的窗帘?Which kind of curtain do you prefer?

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Taking a taxi in Chinese 如何用中文打车|Putonghua Tutorials for Foreigners 学说普通话

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dǎ chē
Taking a taxi.

nǐ yào qù nǎ lǐ ?
Where are you going?

wǒ yào qù chāo shì .
I’m going to the supermarket.

qǐng kāi yí xià hòu bèi xiāng .
Please open the trunk.

nǐ zhī dào zěn me qù shēn zhèn dà xué ma ?
你知道怎么去深圳大学吗 ?
Do you know how to get to the Shenzhen University?

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