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学中文【看春晚】How to Write Chinese Characters 偏旁部首 (目字底/日字底/日字旁) Chinese Customs 学写汉字 Learn Chinese 春节联欢晚会

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看春晚 /kàn chūn wǎn/ Watch the Spring Festival Gala.

中央广播电视总台春节联欢晚会(China Media Group Spring Festival Gala),简称“春晚”,是中央广播电视总台在每年除夕之夜为了庆祝农历新年而开办的综合性文艺晚会。

中央广播电视总台春节联欢晚会的雏形最早可追溯到1956年,中央新闻纪录电影制片厂出品的《春节大联欢》。 第1届中央广播电视总台春节联欢晚会正式开办于1983年,2014年被定位为国家项目。 晚会涵盖歌曲、舞蹈、相声、小品、戏曲、武术、魔术、杂技、音乐剧、微电影等各类型节目。

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汉语造句【出租车】Taxi in Chinese 各地方言大汇总|台湾 “计程车”|上海 “差头”|港澳地区“的士”

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出租车,供人临时雇佣的汽车,多按里程或时间收费。台湾称作“计程车”,湖南、广东及港澳地区称为“的士”,新加坡及马来西亚一带则称为“德士”,上海称作“差头(cā dou)”出租车英文“taxi”为“taximeter”之略称,即为“计程表”或 “里程计”。

Taxis, cars for temporary employment, are often charged according to mileage or time. Taiwan is called “taxi”, Hunan, Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau are called “taxi”, Singapore and Malaysia are called “taxi”, and Shanghai is called “cā dǒu” taxi. English “taxi” is The abbreviation for “taximeter” means “taximeter” or “odometer”.

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学中文【古诗】Ancient Poems in Chinese《登鹳雀楼》王之涣|Traditional Chinese Culture

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Chinese Ancient Poems 中 文 古 诗 zhōng wén gǔ shī



⑴ 鹳雀楼:中国古代的一种高层建筑物,因时有鹳鹊栖息其上而得名。
⑵ 白日:太阳。依:依傍。尽:消失。 这句话是说太阳依傍山峦沉落。
⑶ 欲:想要。穷:尽,使达到极点。千里目:眼界宽阔。
⑷ 更:再。

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学写汉字【十二生肖】🐲 “Twelve Zodiac Signs” in Chinese – 鼠,牛,虎,兔,龙,蛇,马,羊,猴,鸡,狗,猪

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The Chinese zodiac, also known as the zodiac or the twelve-year animal, is the twelve kinds of animals representing the year, called the twelve zodiac. There are different animals in each culture. Among them, the Chinese culture is rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, and horse. , Sheep, monkey, chicken, dog, pig. They are matched with the twelve earthly branches (Zi, Chou, Yin, Mao, Chen, Si, Wu, Wei, Shen, You, Xu, Hai) in turn, forming Zimo, Chou Niu, Yinhu, Maotu, Chenlong, Si Snake, Wuma, Weiyang, Shenhou, Youji, Xugou, Haizhu. Chinese people often use the Lunar New Year as the new year’s zodiac and the symbolic animal for their birth year as the zodiac.

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