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How to ask 15 Simplest Questions in Chinese 学说中文简单问句|Basic Spoken Chinese for Beginners

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Interrogative sentences are classified according to the tone of the sentence. The biggest difference between it and declarative sentences, exclamation sentences, and imperative sentences is its interrogative tone; it asks some things, and the content of the expression is not a statement, so it is uncertain; there are mainly Four major sentence types, general interrogative sentences, selective interrogative sentences, special interrogative sentences and anti-meaning interrogative sentences; and anti-meaning interrogative sentences are one of the grammatical items of college entrance examination English.

你几岁了?How old are you?
你喜欢吗?Do you like it?
你能说慢一点吗?Can you speak slower?
你为什么那样做?Why did you do that?
你准备好了吗?Are you ready?
你是怎么知道的?How did you know?
你忙吗?Are you busy?
你确定吗?Are you sure?
多少个?How many?
多少钱?How much is it?
你住在哪里?Where do you live?
你能重复一下吗?Can you repeat it?
你的生日是哪一天?When is your birthday?
我可以出去玩吗?Can I go out to play?
你洗过手吗?Have you washed your hands?










In Chinese, interrogative sentences are generally classified in the following four ways:

Right or wrong question

Right-and-fee questions are questions that ask others to answer “yes” or “no”. The structural form of the right and wrong question is basically the same as that of the general declarative sentence, but the intonation should be changed to an interrogative tone, or interrogative particles should be added at the end of the sentence. Interrogative particles often used in right and wrong questions include “?, bar, ah”, etc., but “N” cannot be used.

Specific question

The specific question is a question that uses interrogative pronouns to replace the unknown part to ask questions and ask the other party to answer the unknown part. The specific question sentence can use either the interrogative tone or the exclamation tone. In particular, the question sentence can only use modal particles such as “ne, ah”, and cannot use “ma, bar”.

Choice question

Choice question is a question sentence that proposes two or more situations for the other party to choose from. Select question sentences often use inherent formats such as “A or B”, “A or B”, etc., and select the whole sentence with or to connect. When reading aloud, the part before or rises or the part after it is reduced. When using interrogative words, you often choose “N” in the question sentence, and generally don’t use “Ma, ah, bar”.

Positive and negative question

Positive and negative questions are used to ask questions in a way of overlapping affirmations and negatives, and the other side is expected to choose between positive and negative content. Interrogative pronouns or interrogative particles are generally not used in positive and negative questions. You can use “Nah, ah” when you need it, but generally don’t use “Why, right”.

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