【门字框】Chinese Radical of Door 学写中文偏旁部首笔画|Learn to Write Chinese Characters 学写字

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门字框的含义:繁体字 (門 ) 原为两扇门的象形。含有“门字框”的字多与门(出入口及开关装置)有关。

The meaning of the door frame: Traditional characters (door) were originally pictograms of two doors. The characters containing “door frame” are mostly related to doors (entrances and switchgear).

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【石字旁】Chinese Radical of Stone 学写中文偏旁部首笔画 How to Write Chinese Characters|象形汉字解析

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The word stone is related to stone. The word beside stone in chemical elements refers to non-metal solid elements. Example words: bricks, mines, bowls, smashing, bumping, silicon, hard, monuments, broken, stone blocks, inkstones.

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【竖心旁】Chinese Radical of Heart 忄旁与心理活动有关 – Words Related to Mental Activities 中文偏旁部首

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忄 is the radical of Chinese characters, which evolved from “心”. It is called the vertical heart or the vertical heart. Ancient people believed that the heart is in charge of human thoughts, so the words next to “忄” are mostly related to mental activities.

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【木字旁】Chinese Radical of Wood 中文偏旁部首笔画|汉字起源 The Origin of Chinese Characters

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“Wood” is one of the radicals of Chinese characters. Most of the characters with “wood” as meaning symbols are related to trees or wood products, and can be roughly divided into: ①nouns related to trees, such as: Gui, camphor, handle, pole; ②Verbs related to trees, such as: planting, planting, Analyze; ③Adjectives related to trees, such as: dry, rotten, soft.

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【提土旁】Chinese Radical of Land 学写中文偏旁部首笔画|象形汉字 Hieroglyphic Chinese Characters

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The Chinese characters with the “radical of land” are generally related to soil or ground, such as: ground, field, garbage, garbage, and buried. The “radical of land” is usually located on the left or below when it is in the form of a character. It is commonly called “tí tǔ páng” when it is on the left side, and it is commonly called “tǔ zì dǐ” when it is located below.

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