学中文只需这七步!Learn Chinese in ONLY 7 Steps 汉语学习技巧/方法/步骤分享

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学中文只需这七步—Learn Chinese in ONLY 7 Steps:
✸STEP 1:拼音 , pīn yīn , Pinyin
✸STEP 2:笔画 , bǐ huà , Strokes
✸STEP 3:偏旁部首 , piān páng bù shǒu , Radicals
✸STEP 4:词汇 , cí huì , Vocabulary
✸STEP 5:句型 , jù xíng , Sentence Types
✸STEP 6:标点符号 , biāo diǎn fú hào , Punctuations
✸STEP 7:文章 , wén zhāng , Articles;故事 , gù shì , Stories;对话 , duì huà , Conversations

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职场中文【升职加薪 shēng zhí jiā xīn】How to Write Chinese 办公用语 Promote to a Higher Position & Increase Salary

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升职加薪 (shēng zhí jiā xīn) 是人力资源学科名词,该词指的是职位晋升薪水水平提高。


Promotion and salary increase (shēng zhí jiā xīn) is a term in the human resources discipline, which refers to an increase in salary level as a result of job promotion.

[Promotion] refers to the process of employees moving to a job that is more challenging, requires greater responsibilities, and has more authority than the previous job. The professional term for promotion in the workplace is promotion.
[Salary increase] refers to an increase in salary.

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学写汉字【会议】How to Write Chinese 视频会议 vs 面对面会议 Videoconference & Face-to-face Meeting (人字头, 言字旁)

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“会议”,是汉语词汇,拼音是huì yì,意思是指有组织、有领导、有目的的议事活动,它是在限定的时间和地点,按照一定的程序进行的。会议一般包括议论、决定、行动3个要素。因此,必须做到会而有议、议而有决、决而有行,否则就是闲谈或议论,不能成为会议。会议是一种普遍的社会现象,几乎有组织的地方都会有会议,会议的主要功能包括决策、控制、协调和教育等。

“Meeting” is a Chinese word whose pinyin is huì yì. It means an organized, led and purposeful discussion activity. It is conducted at a limited time and place and according to certain procedures. Meetings generally include three elements: discussion, decision-making, and action. Therefore, meetings must be followed by discussions, discussions followed by decisions, and decisions followed by actions. Otherwise, it is just chatting or discussion and cannot become a meeting. Meetings are a common social phenomenon and can be found in almost any organized place. The main functions of meetings include decision-making, control, coordination and education.

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学中文【包粽子 bāo zòng zi】How to Write Making Rice Dumplings in Chinese 偏旁部首 (包字头, 米字旁)

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Learn Chinese【赛龙舟】端午节习俗 How to Write Dragon Boat Race – Chinese Festival 偏旁部首 (贝字底)

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写汉字【清明扫墓】Qingming Tomb Sweeping 偏旁部首练习 (三点水/日字旁/提手旁/土字底) Learn Chinese 二十四节气

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