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学中文【数学符号】Math Symbols in Chinese 加减乘除等于的汉字写法 – Write Chinese Characters

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Math Symbols , 数学符号 , shù xué fú hào 。
Plus , 加 , jiā 。
Minus , 减 , jiǎn 。
Multiply , 乘 , chéng 。
Divide , 除 , chú 。
Equal , 等于 , děng yú 。


The invention and use of mathematical symbols were later than numbers, but their numbers exceeded numbers. There are more than 200 mathematical symbols commonly used in modern mathematics, and each symbol has an interesting experience.


There used to be several plus signs, and the “+” sign is commonly used in modern mathematics. The “+” sign evolved from Lavin “et” (meaning “and”). In the sixteenth century, the Italian scientist Tataria used the first letter of the Italian word “plu” (meaning “plus”) to denote “plus”. The word “μ” was changed to “+”. The “-” sign evolved from the Latin “minus” (meaning “minus”). It was abbreviated as m at first, and then shortened to “-” due to rapid writing.


It is also said that merchants who sell wine use “-” to indicate how much wine in the barrel has been sold. Later, when pouring new wine into the big barrel, add a vertical line to the “-“, which means to cancel the original line, so that it becomes a “+” sign.


In the fifteenth century, the German mathematician Weidemei officially determined: “+” is used as a plus sign, and “-” is used as a minus sign.


There have been more than a dozen multiplication signs, and two are commonly used in modern mathematics. One is “×”, which was first proposed by British mathematician Ochet in 1631; the other is “·”, which was first created by British mathematician Herriot. The German mathematician Leibniz believed that the “×” sign is like the Latin letter “X”, which may cause confusion and object to it. He favors the use of the “·” sign (in fact, the dot multiplication is also easily confused with the decimal point in some cases. ). Later, he also proposed to use “∩” to denote multiplication. This symbol has been applied to set theory in modern times.


In the eighteenth century, American mathematician Odlec decided to use “×” as the multiplication sign. He thinks that “×” is the rotation deformation of “+”, which is another symbol for increase.


“÷” was originally used as a minus sign and has long been popular in continental Europe. Until 1631, the British mathematician Okut used “:” to indicate division or ratio, and some people used “-” (division line) to indicate division. Later, in his book “Algebra”, Swiss mathematician Laha officially used “÷” as the division sign based on the creation of the masses.

平方根号曾经用拉丁文“Radix”(根)的首尾两个字母合并起来表示,十七世纪初叶,法国数学家笛卡儿在他的《几何学》中,第一次用“√”表示根号。“√”是由拉丁字线“r”的变形,“ ̄”是括线。

The square root was once expressed by the combination of the first and last two letters of the Latin “Radix” (root). At the beginning of the seventeenth century, French mathematician Descartes used “√” for the first time in his “Geometry”. number. “√” is a modification of the Latin word line “r”, and “ ̄” is a bracket line.


In the 16th century, French mathematician Viyette used “=” to indicate the difference between two quantities. However, Lekauld, a professor of mathematics and rhetoric at Oxford University in the United Kingdom, felt that it was the most appropriate to use two parallel and equal straight lines to represent the equality of two numbers, so the equal sign “=” was used in 1540.


In 1591, the French mathematician Veda used this symbol extensively in the diamond shape, and it was gradually accepted by people. In the seventeenth century, Leibniz, Germany, used the “=” sign extensively. He also used “∽” to indicate similarity and “≌” to indicate congruence in geometry.


The greater than sign “>” and the less than sign “<” were created by the famous British algebraist Heriot in 1631. As for the appearance of the three symbols “≥”, “≤” and “≠”, it is very late and late. The braces “{}” and the square brackets “[]” were created by Wei Zhide, one of the founders of algebra.


Any sign (full quantifier) ​​∀ comes from the word Arbitrary in English, because lowercase and uppercase are easy to cause confusion, so the first letter of the word is capitalized and inverted. Similarly, the existence number (existence quantifier) ​​∃ comes from the reverse of E in the word Exist.

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