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学中文【时段】🕙Time Periods of The Day in Chinese 学习用汉语写一天中的时间段

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Time Periods of The Day, 时段, shí duàn。
例字:Before Dawn, 凌晨, líng chén。Dawn, 黎明,lí míng。Early Morning, 早上, zǎo shang。Morning, 上午, shàng wǔ。Noon, 中午, zhōng wǔ。Afternoon, 下午, xià wǔ。Dusk, 黄昏,huáng hūn。Evening,晚上, wǎn shàng。Midnight, 午夜,wǔ yè。

时辰是古代计时单位。SHI CHEN is the ancient unit of time. It’s one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day.

1.中国传统计时单位。把一昼夜平分为十二段,每段叫做一个时辰,合现在的两小时。十二个时辰分别以地支为名称,从半夜起算,半夜十一点到一点是子时,中午十一点到一点是午时。 宋 苏轼 《申三省起请开湖六条状》:“今来所创置钤辖司前一闸,虽每遇潮上,闭得一两时辰……而公私舟舡欲出入闸者,自须先期出入,必不肯端坐以待闭闸。” 清 孔尚任 《桃花扇·媚座》:“昼短夜长,差了三个时辰了。” 曹禺 《王昭君》第二幕:“半个时辰前,他陪伴天子酣宴。”

1. Chinese traditional time unit. Divide the day and night into twelve segments, and each segment is called an hour, which is the current two hours. The twelve hours are named after the Earthly Branches, starting from midnight, from 11:00 to 1:00 in the middle of the night, and from 11:00 to 1:00 noon. Song Su Shi’s “Six Points of Opening the Lake from the Three Provinces of Shen”: “The first gate that has been created today under the jurisdiction of Siqian will be closed for an hour or two every time the tide is encountered… If you enter and leave early, you must not sit back and wait until the gate is closed.” Qing Kong Shangren “Peach Blossom Fan·Meizuo”: “The day is short and the night is long, three hours away.” The second act of Cao Yu’s “Wang Zhaojun”: “Half a Before the hour, he accompanied the emperor to a feast.”

2.泛指时刻或时间。 金董解元 《西厢记诸宫调》卷一:“没一个时辰儿不挂念,没一个夜儿不梦见。”《西游记》第四九回:“这等干,只是忒费事,耽搁了时辰了。” 魏巍 《东方》第四部第二三章:“这就叫:不是不报,时辰不到。”

2. Refers generally to moment or time. Jin Dong Jieyuan’s “West Chamber Zhugong Tune” Volume 1: “There is no hour that I don’t care about, and there is no night that I don’t dream.” “Journey to the West” Chapter 49: “It’s just a lot of trouble to wait, and it’s a delay. “The second and third chapters of the fourth book of Wei Wei’s “Oriental”: “This is called: It’s not that the hour is not reported.”



The origin of time

The ancient working people initially described time mainly with reference to obvious celestial phenomena, animal biological clocks, and daily routines, such as cock crowing, Pingdan, Korean eclipse, Japanese and Chinese, and people fixed, etc. Later, they gradually changed to use timing device readings to describe, and then gradually gave these timing devices The reading is matched with five elements. For example, match the word A and B with wood (4:48-9:36), match the word C and D with fire (9:36-14:24), and match the word Wuji with earth (14:24- 19:12), match the word Gengxin with gold (19:12-24:00), and match the word Rengui with water (0:00-4:48). These side meetings have no practical significance.

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