【目字旁】Chinese Radical of Eyes 学写中文偏旁部首笔画|Learn to Write Chinese Characters 学写字

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radical of eyes, 目字旁, mù zì páng,

usually related to the eyes, 一般都与眼睛有关, yī bān dōu yǔ yǎn jīng yǒu guān,
eyes, 眼睛, yǎn jīng,
blind, 盲人, máng rén,
see, 看见, kàn jiàn,
eyebrow, 眉毛, méi máo.


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学写字【家庭成员】Family Members in Chinese 汉语称呼 – How to Write Chinese for Beginners

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Dad, 爸爸, bà ba。Mom, 妈妈, mā ma。elder sister, 姐姐, jiě jie。elder brother, 哥哥, gē ge。younger sister, 妹妹, mèi mei。younger brother, 弟弟, dì di。grandpa (mom’s dad), 外公, wài gōng。grandma (mom’s mom), 外婆, wài pó。grandpa (dad’s dad), 爷爷, yé ye。grandma (dad’s mom), 奶奶, nǎi nai。


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【雨字头】Chinese Radical of Rain 学写中文偏旁部首笔画 Learn to Write Chinese Characters|学写字

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Yubu is one of the radicals in the Chinese character index, 173 of the 214 radicals in the Kangxi Dictionary (the seventh with eight strokes). As far as Traditional and Simplified Chinese are concerned, Yubu belongs to the eight-stroke radical. Rain Department only uses the upper part as the word. If there are no other radicals available, the radical will be classified as Yubu. The head of the word rain is often used as a symbol, and the words using rain as a symbol are mostly related to rain or the sky. Such as snow, zero, Xiao, etc.

Radical of Rain, 雨字头, yǔ zì tóu。Snowing, 下雪, xià xuě。Thunder, 打雷, dǎ léi。Field, 田, tián。Heavy fog, 大雾, dà wù。Service, 服务, fú wù。Task, 任务, rèn wù。Mold, 发霉, fā méi。Each, 每, měi。

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学写汉字【十二生肖】🐲 “Twelve Zodiac Signs” in Chinese – 鼠,牛,虎,兔,龙,蛇,马,羊,猴,鸡,狗,猪

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The Chinese zodiac, also known as the zodiac or the twelve-year animal, is the twelve kinds of animals representing the year, called the twelve zodiac. There are different animals in each culture. Among them, the Chinese culture is rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, and horse. , Sheep, monkey, chicken, dog, pig. They are matched with the twelve earthly branches (Zi, Chou, Yin, Mao, Chen, Si, Wu, Wei, Shen, You, Xu, Hai) in turn, forming Zimo, Chou Niu, Yinhu, Maotu, Chenlong, Si Snake, Wuma, Weiyang, Shenhou, Youji, Xugou, Haizhu. Chinese people often use the Lunar New Year as the new year’s zodiac and the symbolic animal for their birth year as the zodiac.

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学写汉字【主食】🍜Write “Rice & Alternatives” in Chinese – 米饭Rice/馒头Steamed Bread

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Staple food refers to the main food on the traditional table, and is also the main source of energy required for human life. Since staple food is the main source of intake of carbohydrates (especially starch), rice, wheat, corn and other grains with starch as the main component, as well as tuber foods such as potatoes and sweet potatoes are regarded as staple foods by people in different regions. Generally speaking, the staple food contains more carbohydrates.


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