Saying Goodbye in Chinese 如何用中文告别|Practical Oral Chinese Teaching 如何讲汉语

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gào bié
Saying Goodbye

shí jiān guò de zhēn kuài .
Time flies.

wǒ men lái gēn nín gào bié .
We come to say goodbye to you.

zhè shì yí gè xiǎo lǐ wù , qǐng shōu xià .
This is a small gift, please accept it.

xī wàng nǐ xǐ huān .
Hope you like it.

nǐ gěi le wǒ hěn duō bāng zhù .
You’ve helped me a lot.

gǎn xiè nǐ wèi wǒ men zuò de yí qiè .
Thank you for everything you have done for us.

xī wàng yǐ hòu hái néng zài jiàn miàn .
Hope to see each other again in the future.

xī wàng néng zài lái zhè ér xué xí .
Hope to come here to study again.

néng gěi wǒ nín de lián xì dì zhǐ ma ?
Can you give me your address?

nǐ yǒu diàn zǐ yóu jiàn dì zhǐ ma ?
Do you have an email address?

nǐ yǒu jī huì lái wǒ guó yí dìng gào sù wǒ .
If you have a chance to come to my country, do let me know.

qǐng nǐ yí dìng gěi wǒ xiě xìn .
Please do write to me.

wǒ huì xiǎng nǐ de .
I’ll miss you.

bǎo chí lián xì .
Keep in touch.

yǒu yì dì jiǔ tiān cháng .
May our friendship last forever.

告 gào 说给别人,通知:告谕。告知。告诫。告诉。报告。劝告。奔走相告。 向行政司法机关检举、控诉:告发。告状。控告。 表明,请求:告老。告急。自告奋勇。 宣布或表示某种情况出现:告成。告竭(宣布某种东西用尽)。告罄(现指财物用尽或货物等售完)。公告。 笔画数:7; 部首:口。

别 bié 分离:别离。别情。别绪(离别时离别后的情感)。分别。告别。久别重逢。分门别类。 差别:霄壤之别。 分类:类别。性别。职别。级别。派别。 另外的:别人。别号。别字。别墅。别论。别开生面。 卡住,插住,绷住:别针。别花。 不要,不准:别动。 别 (彆) biè 〔别扭〕不顺心,不相投(“ (彆)扭”读轻声)。 笔画数:7; 部首:刂。

Tell gào to tell others, notice: tell. inform. Caution. tell. report. advice. Run and tell each other. Report and complain to administrative and judicial organs: inform. Complain. Accuse. Indicate, request: Retirement. In a hurry. Volunteer. Announce or indicate that a certain situation has occurred: success. Run out (declare that something is exhausted). Run out (now means that the property is used up or the goods are sold out). announcement. Number of strokes: 7; radicals: mouth.

Farewell bié separation: Farewell. Don’t love me. Farewell (feelings after parting at the time of parting). respectively. bid farewell. Reunion. Divided into categories. Difference: a huge difference. Category: category. gender. Job title. level. faction. Another: others. Nickname. No words. villa. Let’s talk about it. Don’t make a fuss. Stuck, stuck, stretched: pins. Don’t spend it. No, no: don’t move. Don’t (don’t) biè 〔〕 awkward, not agreeable (” (Do not) twist” read softly). Number of strokes: 7; radicals: 刂.

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