学中文【变调】Chinese Tone Sandhi Rules – 不bù bú bu/一yī yí yì yi|普通话声调变化规则

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汉语中的变调规则 Tone Sandhi Rules in Chinese
(Learn Mandarin Tone Changes)

1. 汉字“一”的变调 1. The tone sandhi of the Chinese character “一”

规则#1:当单念或在词组末尾时,“一”字念原调(第1声)。 Rule #1: When pronounced alone or at the end of a phrase, “一” is pronounced in the original tone (first tone).
例词:一;第一;专一。 yī, èr, sān; dì yī; zhuān yī. Examples: one; first; concentrated.

规则#2:在第4声的汉字前,“一”字变为第2声。 Rule #2: Before the Chinese character in the 4th tone, the character “一” becomes the 2nd tone.
例词:一定;一次。 yí dìng; yí cì. Examples: certainly; once.

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《牧羊娃和狼》The Shepherd Boy and The Wolf 精读中文书 Chinese Book Intensive Reading|学汉语

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Once upon a time, there was a sheep-herding baby who went to the mountains to herd sheep every day. One day, he felt very boring, so he thought of an idea to make fun of everyone. He shouted to the farmers who were farming at the foot of the mountain: “The wolf is here! The wolf is here! Help!”

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《龟兔赛跑》The Rabbit And The Tortoise 学读中文书 Learn to Read Chinese Book|阅读理解 慢读讲解

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“The Race of the Tortoise and the Hare” is an intriguing fable in which a proud rabbit and a persistent little turtle are portrayed. One day, the hare and the tortoise raced and run. The hare laughed at the tortoise’s slow crawling. The tortoise said, “I will win one day.” The hare said contemptuously, “Then we will start the race now!” The tortoise agreed, and the hare said loudly. Shouted: “The game begins!”

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中文叠词的五种主要形式 Reduplication in Chinese – AA式, AAB式, AAB式, AABB式, ABAB式

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1.AA式: , 1. AA type:
tiān tiān , 天天 , every day
kàn kan , 看看 , have a look
yàng yàng , 样样 , everything
mā ma , 妈妈 , mother

2.AAB式: , 2. AAB type:
Máo mao yǔ , 毛毛雨 , drizzling
xǐ xǐ shǒu , 洗洗手 , wash hands
hóng hóng de , 红红的 , red

3.ABB式: , 3. ABB style:
yǎn bā bā , 眼巴巴 , eagerly
shuǐ wāng wāng , 水汪汪 , watery
jìng qiāo qiāo , 静悄悄 , quietly

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学中文【“的,地,得”用法】3 Forms of “de” in Chinese – 汉语语法教学 Teaching Chinese Grammar

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修饰词(形容词/名词/代词/动词)+ “的” + 名词 , Description (adjective/noun/pronoun/verb) + “的” + Noun

  • míng liàng de jiào shì , 明亮的教室 , Bright Classroom
  • zhōng guó de cháng chéng , 中国的长城 , The Great Wall of China
  • wǒ de shū , 我的书 , My Book
  • kàn de diàn yǐng , 看的电影 , Movies to Watch

修饰词(形容词)+ “地” + 动词 , Description (adjective) + “地” + Verb

  • qīng qīng de zǒu , 轻轻地走 , Walk Gently
  • tōu tōu de xiào , 偷偷地笑 , Laugh Secretly

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