学写字【灯光】How to Write “Lights” in Chinese 各种照明灯具的中文汉字写法|中文教学 Learn Chinese

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Types of Lights , 灯光的种类 , dēng guāng de zhǒng lèi :

table lamp , 台灯 , tái dēng 。
floor lamp , 落地灯 , luò dì dēng 。
chandelier , 吊灯 , diào dēng 。
wall lamp , 壁灯 , bì dēng 。
headlights , 车灯 , chē dēng 。
street lights , 路灯 , lù dēng 。


There are two explanations for lighting: 1. The light of the lamp. 2. Refers to the lighting on the stage or in the studio. Light can be roughly divided into high light, concentrated light, astigmatism, soft light, strong light, focus light and so on.

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教中文写汉字【服装】👔Write “Clothing” in Chinese – 裙子Skirt/裤子Pants/衬衫Shirt/西装Suit/毛衣Sweater

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Clothing , 服装 , fú zhuāng 。服装,是衣服鞋装饰品等的总称,多指衣服。服装的定义为:缝制,穿于人体起保护和装饰作用的产品,又称衣服。

Clothing is a general term for clothes, shoes, accessories, etc., and mostly refers to clothes. Clothing is defined as: products that are sewn and worn on the human body for protection and decoration, also known as clothing.

Skirt , 裙子 , qún zi 。
Pants , 裤子 , kù zi 。
Shirt , 衬衫 , chèn shān 。
Suit , 西装 , xī zhuāng 。
Sportswear , 运动服 , yùn dòng fú 。
Shorts , 短裤 , duǎn kù 。
Sweater , 毛衣 , máo yī 。
Down jacket , 羽绒服 , yǔ róng fú 。

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学造句【电视】TV – Make Sentences in Chinese 如何用中文词汇造句|学写汉字 Learn Chinese Characters

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电视 (Television 、TV)指使用电子技术传送活动的图像画面和音频信号的设备,即电视接收机,也是重要的广播和视频通信工具,最早由英国工程师约翰·洛吉·贝尔德在1925年发明。

Television (TV) refers to a device that uses electronic technology to transmit moving image pictures and audio signals, that is, a television receiver, which is also an important broadcast and video communication tool. It was first invented by British engineer John Logy Baird in 1925.

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学写汉字【电脑】Write “Computer” in Chinese – 台式机Desktop/笔记本电脑Laptop/平板电脑Tablet

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电脑 , diàn nǎo , computer
台式机 , tái shì jī , desktop
笔记本电脑 , bǐ jì běn diàn nǎo , laptop
平板电脑 , píng bǎn diàn nǎo , tablet

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中文造句【打电话】Call – Make Sentences in Chinese 中英对照例句分析|How to Write Chinese Characters

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打电话 , dǎ diàn huà , Make a call
你为什么没给我打电话? , nǐ wèi shé me méi gěi wǒ dǎ diàn huà? , Why didn’t you call me?

双语例句 Bilingual Example Sentences


If you get into any dodgy situations, call me.


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