《画龙点睛》🐉Finishing Touch 朗读中文成语故事书 Chinese Story Book Read Aloud|慢速跟读训练

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Close your eyes after drawing the dragon. Write an article in a metaphor, and use one or two sentences to point out the main points in key places to make the content more vivid and powerful.

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《画蛇添足》🐍Paint A Snake With Feet 在家学读中文成语故事书 Chinese Story Book Read Aloud at Home|汉语历史典故

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画蛇添足,汉语成语,拼音是huà shé tiān zú,意思是画蛇时给蛇添上脚。比喻做事多此一举,不但无益,反而有害。出自《战国策·齐策二》。

To draw a snake to add feet is a Chinese idiom, pinyin is huà shé tiān zú, which means to add feet to a snake when drawing a snake. It is not only useless to do something redundantly, but it is harmful. From “Warring States Policy·Qi Ce II”.

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《小猴子下山》🐒Little Monkey Goes Down The Mountain|中文儿童教材 Chinese Textbooks

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One day, a little monkey came down the mountain. It walked into a cornfield, and was very happy to see that the corn had grown bigger and bigger, so he broke one and carried it forward.

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《粗心的小蜻蜓》🐞Careless Little Dragonfly 读中文故事书 Chinese Story Book Read Aloud|中文亲子故事分享

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The grassland, which has always been quiet, suddenly became lively. You see, singing and laughter are joined together. What happened?

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《小兔乖乖》🐰Little Bunny Be Good 读汉语故事书|听中文儿歌 Chinese Story Book & Nursery Rhymes

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《小兔子乖乖》是一首源自小故事的儿歌,由黎锦晖作词组曲。故事主要讲了白兔妈妈走后,大灰狼冒充白兔 妈妈想要进屋吃掉兔宝宝,被兔宝宝们识破,白兔妈妈回来后夸赞兔宝宝聪明机灵的故事。从而表现出了小兔子的聪明。

“Little Rabbit Be Good” is a children’s song derived from a short story, composed by Li Jinhui. The story mainly tells the story of the big bad wolf pretending to be the white rabbit after the mother white rabbit left. The mother wanted to enter the house and eat the baby rabbit, but the baby rabbits saw it through. After the mother white rabbit came back, she praised the cleverness of the baby rabbit. Thus showing the cleverness of the little rabbit.

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