《杞人忧天》🌞Suffer From Imaginary Fears 在家学读中文成语故事书 Chinese Story Book Read Aloud at Home

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杞人忧天,是汉语成语,读音是qǐ rén yōu tiān,意思是总是去忧虑那些不切实际的事物。杞人忧天是《列子·天瑞》篇中的一则寓言,后来成为一个固定成语,常用来讽刺那些不必要的担心,但也有人用其表达一种忧患意识。

To worry about the sky is a Chinese idiom with the pronunciation of qǐ rén yōu tiān, which means to always worry about those unrealistic things. Worrying about the sky is a fable in “Liezi Tianrui”, which later became a fixed idiom, often used to ridicule those unnecessary worries, but some people use it to express a sense of worry.

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《揠(拔)苗助长》🌱Pulling Up Seedlings To Help Them Grow 中文成语故事书|海外学华语 Chinese Story Book

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揠(拔)苗助长,汉语成语,拼音是yà miáo zhù zhǎng,意思是把苗拔起来,帮助其成长。比喻违反事物的发展规律,急于求成,最后事与愿违。 出自《孟子·公孙丑上》。

Pull the seedlings to promote growth, a Chinese idiom, pinyin is yà miáo zhù zhǎng, which means to pull up the seedlings to help them grow. The metaphor violates the law of development of things, eager to achieve results, and finally backfires. From “Mencius·Gongsun Chou”.

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《水中捞月》🌙Make Vain Efforts 学读中文成语故事书 Chinese Story Book Read Aloud|华文故事分享

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水中捞月,汉语成语,拼音是shuǐ zhōng lāo yuè,意思是到水中去捞月亮。比喻去做根本做不到的事情,只能白费力气。出自《沁园春》。

Fishing for the moon in the water is a Chinese idiom. The pinyin is shuǐ zhōng lāo yuè, which means to fish for the moon in the water. It is a waste of energy to do things that are simply impossible. From “Qinyuanchun”.

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《半途而废》✂️Give Up Halfway 中文成语故事书 Chinese Story Book Read Aloud|在线中文直播课

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半途而废,汉语成语,拼音为bàn tú ér fèi,意思是半路上就停下来了,比喻做事不能坚持到底,有始无终。出自西汉·戴圣《礼记·中庸》。

To give up halfway, the Chinese idiom, pinyin is bàn tú ér fèi, which means to stop halfway through the road. From the Western Han Dynasty·Daisheng “Book of Rites·The Doctrine of the Mean”.

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《自相矛盾》⚜️ Self-contradiction 中文成语故事书 Chinese Story Book Read Aloud|成语典故 Chinese Idiom Allusion

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自相矛盾,汉语成语,拼音是zì xiāng máo dùn。比喻别人或自己说话做事前后抵触。出自《韩非子·难一》。

Contradictory, Chinese idiom, pinyin is zì xiāng máo dùn. Comparing other people’s words or self-defeating things. From “Han Feizi · Hard One”.

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