【广字头】Chinese Radical of Broad 表示大而宽,与开放式的建筑物有关|学写中文偏旁部首笔画

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Radical of Broad, 广字头, guǎng zì tóu。
Large and wide, open concept building, 大而宽,开放式的建筑物。

例词 Example Words:
Celebrate, 庆祝, qìng zhù。Bed, 床, chuáng。Riverbed, 河床, hé chuáng。Manor, 庄园, zhuāng yuán。Store, 商店, shāng diàn。Temple, 庙, miào。Bottom, 底部, dǐ bù。Health, 健康, jiàn kāng。Broad, 康, kāng。

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【厂字头】Chinese Radical of Factory 与室内空间和山崖有关|学写中文偏旁部首笔画 Learn Mandarin

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Factory originally meant cliff or house, so the word next to factory is generally related to cliff or house. When the factory is used as a radical, instead of reading chǎng, it should be pronounced hàn. It is the image of a cliff. The horizontal is the top of the cliff, and it is a very steep cliff.

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【硬耳旁】Chinese Radical of Hard Ear 学写中文偏旁部首笔画|Learn to Write Chinese Characters 学写字

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Radical of Hard Ear, 硬耳旁, yìng ěr páng。
Related to credit and certificates, 与信用、证件有关yǔ xìn yòng, zhèng jiàn yǒu guān。

例词:Right now, 即jí。Immediately, 立即lì jí。Unload, 卸, xiè。Shirk responsibility, 推卸责任, tuī xiè zé rèn。But, 却, què。Forget, 忘却, wàng què。Seal, 印, yìn。Seal, 印章, yìn zhāng。

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【左耳旁】Chinese Radical of Left Ear 与高坡、深谷、急剧升降有关|学写中文偏旁部首笔画

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Radical of Left Ear, 左耳旁, zuǒ ěr páng。
It is related to high slopes, deep valleys, and steep rises and falls., 与高坡、深谷、急剧升降有关。yǔ gāo pō, shēn gǔ, jí jù shēng jiàng yǒu guān.。

例词:Trap, 陷阱xiàn jǐng。Block, 阻挡, zǔ dǎng。Steep, 陡峭, dǒu qiào。Limit, 限制, xiàn zhì。Ladder, 阶梯, jiē tī。Defend, 防守, fáng shǒu。

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【右耳旁】Chinese Radical of Right Ear 多用于地域泛称、姓氏|学写中文偏旁部首笔画 Learn Mandarin

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Radical of Right Ear, 右耳旁, yòu ěr páng。
Mostly used for regional general name and surname, 多用于地域泛称、姓duō yòng yú dì yù fàn chēng, xìng。例词:Deng, 邓dèng。Zheng, 郑zhèng。Neighbor, 邻居, lín jū。There, 那里, nà lǐ。Department, 部门, bù mén。Postcode, 邮编, yóu biān。Suburbs, 郊区, jiāo qū。


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